Eight reasons why you need a building manager

Eight reasons why you need a building manager

Here are 8 reasons why you should consider a building manager

If you have a large strata scheme – whether it’s residential apartments or mixed-use lots – a specialist building manager can be an excellent investment. A building manager works closely with strata managers and owner corporations to help ensure the smooth running of your building, ensure it’s well maintained and looked after, and enhance its value.

1.  Organising and managing repairs and maintenance

  • Building managers – whether they’re full time or part time – are responsible for maintaining all areas of common property.
  • They provide on-site oversight of all tradespeople and any repairs and maintenance work, ensuring it’s completed quickly and to a high standard while causing minimal disruption to residents and tenants.
  • They have established relationships with a wide range of contractors and tradespeople so can obtain better rates, and they can deal with emergencies quickly and efficiently.

They also plan and implement longer-term maintenance and repair programs, ensuring a streamlined approach to managing the value of your block. In addition.

2. Building managers are readily on hand to deal with the inevitable emergency

whether it’s a broken garage door, broken down lifts, or hot water system.

3. They know the property intimately

It means they can identify issues when they’re small and have them fixed before they turn into a larger problem. They also ensure building compliance and safety is maintained.

4. Assisting with the upholding of by-laws

While building managers can’t enforce by-laws, they can ensure all owners are across the by-laws.

5. Providing additional services to enhance the appeal of your building

Such as concierges, security, cleaning and valet parking.

6. Assisting with the move in, move out process
This ensures minimal disruption to residents and guests, as well as aiding and assisting with current and new residents to navigate the process with ease and with minimal issues.

7. Communication conduit
When it comes to the overall ‘health’ of your building, building managers often act as the conduit of communication between residents, strata managers and the owners corporation.

8. Peace of mind
One of the greatest advantages of having a specialist building manager is the peace of mind it provides. You can rest assured everything will be taken care of swiftly and effectively if you commit the management of your block to a competent organisation. Building managers help to create and maintain a harmonious and positive community.

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